Tell me why!
Tell me why you left without a good-bye
Tell me why you didn't even leave a message
Tell me how I'm supposed to move on with life, without you by my side
How I'm supposed to sleep at night, without your good night
Tell me.
Tell me what life will be like
I've never done this before,not without you
Who will tell me to soldier on, if not you?
Who is going to hold my hair as I puke,
After a long night of partying?
Who is going to go to the shop with me in the morning,
To get indomie to nurse the hangover
Tell me who.
I am not ready to do life alone,atleast not now
Please wake up and tell me it was a prank
I won't be mad
Man I miss you
My world is so still right now
I am short of breath every other minute
Why did it happen to y'all?
It wasn't supposed to end like that
We were supposed to celebrate your return
We were supposed to graduate next year
We were supposed to chase so many dreams together
Live our lives to the fullest
See the smiles on our parents faces when we made it
But I guess it's no longer happening.
All that's left is sorrow
Everyone is still mourning
Those that knew you and those that didn't
Remember the Pwani comrades?
We're back to that blanket of sadness
Return if possible comrade
And if not,we shall reunite in our next lives
I'll cross over with life stories from where you've left it
I'll make sure to live to the fullest,for both of us
You won't miss a thing
I'll represent you like you were my twin
Till we meet again
Rest with ease.
© CrucialArts