Thursday, November 16, 2023


Why did you leave without me Mama!

Guess what has been happening behind your back

You should've left with me

He made me his new wife

I loathe the nights

But the sunrises more

He blames me for your exit

Tell me that's not true

Tell me that's just his silly excuse 

But if it's true,why wouldn't you leave with me?

Didn't you love me enough?

Did you trust he'd take good care of me,

Or did the two of you agree?

I wish you never left me

Because I'll now follow you against your will

I can't take this anymore

I am already broken enough to be a decent human being

I can't even play with my fellow kids

I don't how being a kid feels

Mama, he's too good in their eyes

No one would believe me if I told on him

he's the church chairman

the People's choice

too righteous before their eyes

but to me, he's a Monster!

He's the man I should call Dad

But instead, I'm the 'woman' who warms his bed

the 'woman' who cleans his mess

Today is the last I'm playing wifely duties.

Because tomorrow morning I get to rest

I'll come looking for you,

Hopefully I'll find you.

They say there is life after death

I want to witness that,with you by my side

Be ready Ma, immediately he leaves for work

I'll leave for wherever you are

I'll leave a note,incase he wants to come looking for me

Hey God, if my house is not ready yet,

I'll share with momma in the meantime.

You took her from me without a warning

now it's my turn.

But hey,why did you let me suffer in that man's hands?

Aren't you the orphans' caregiver?

Anyway,now I'm here,take me home.

© CrucialArts 


  1. a masterpiece it is

  2. Great piecd❤️❤️‍🩹

  3. Best piece 😊💜

  4. Almost cried. Nice piece.

  5. So deep and touching
    That it's convincing me to write back but no...
    Atleast I'd say we stick around a little more
    To learn the actual reason why mama left
    and teach this monster a lesson, that when he finally follows, he would wish mama never left you behind

    1. I can't handle it any longer 😭..wacha nikajulie mbele why she left without me.... Thank you G 🥰

  6. This is the deepest and saddest thing I've read today😭

  7. 😭😭😭😭 I can feel the pain in this peace. Let's hope wherever mama is, is taking care of it all. ❤️❤️ Sending love ❤️❤️❤️

  8. The time and skills you put in your writing is truly magnificent, an amazing piece you can relate with what is happening in the current society we living in.....I am an addict of your writing ❤️❤️❤️💯💯 amazing work andi

    1. You're that one person ❤️❤️❤️,,thank you for always appreciating my art..
