Thursday, December 31, 2020


 I wish I had a sister

Either young or older

I'd have a blood confidant

The person who I'd run to,day and night

When I need a shoulder to lean on

I wish to have a sister

But I'll make sure to have a daughter

So that I can treat her like my sister

I wish I had a sister

To laugh with on happy days

To run to after bad dates

Life would definitely be easier

Coz all days would run smooth with a sister

I wish I had a sister

To tell how my day was

To wake up to and tell her about my dreams

To make plans with about our future

And for her to help me choose my partner

I wish I had a sister

My secrets I would share

Her goals I would help achieve

Each dawn I would awake in joy

Coz with her all would be achievable

I wish I had a sister

To wipe away my tears

When I go through a heartbreak

To curve my lips downwards

And say it will be alright

I wish I had a sister

Warm hugs we would share

Great meals we would share

As we chat about all and nothing

Coz there would be true love

I wish I had a sister

But at least I have brothers

Am glad to have them as my siblings

But I still wish I had a sister

Because we'd share more than a brother

CrucialArts X Purple_Diva  


  1. Always happy to write with you��

  2. You have me as your baby sister babe������snap snap

  3. Lovely 😍 😍 😍
    Reminds me not to take my sister for granted no matter what happens between us

  4. I wish I had recorded myself
    To show you how happy I am reading this

  5. Love this😍 get a daughter soonest 😅

  6. Sister tings🥰🥰....Let's do it in a brotherhood style sooner😀😀....Anyways Art iko Crucial mbaiyaaa 🙌🙌
