Saturday, May 30, 2020


I might do things you don't love
And end up hurting your feelings
I don't want to loose your trust
Or question yourself whether we will last
Because of something I might do or say
So please baby
Teach me to love you

May I know what makes your body weak
Do you love it when I kiss your nose tip?
Or you'd prefer a kiss on the lips?
Do you love a peck on the cheeks?
How about on the forehead?
Or should I just peck your hand?
Please baby
Teach me to love you

 Should I hold your hand in public?
Would you mind if I introduced you to my friends?
Is it okey if I steal glances?
Especially when you less notice
I guess that's my fetish
Hey baby
Teach me to love you

May I post you on my WhatsApp status?
It's okey if they know my relationship status
Or you're not okey with the social media?
Please talk to me my dear
Should I set the record clear?
Teach me to love you

 I wanna take you to my hometown
Introduce you to my dad and mom
I know they'll be glad I made the right choice 
And they'll give us their blessings
Please baby give me a go ahead
Teach me to love you

Be the sister I never had
The sister I needed so bad
Be my one and only best friend
Be my one most trusted
I hope that's not too much to ask
So please baby,
Teach me to love you

  © CrucialArts✍️


  1. 🔥🔥🔥🔥👌🏿👌🏿❤

  2. 🔥🔥🔥💫 Nice piece 😍

  3. This is aaaaaaawesome Crucial. Love it����������

  4. Worth my time ...good one namesake

  5. Great work crucial.
    Happymaina is happy😍

  6. Great wisdom good work.
    Put more effort
