Saturday, September 14, 2019


Girl you pressed me like a big button
I dropped from top to bottom
My wallet is all you focused on
I didn't know that my heart you took like a toy
All the while you treated me like a boy
You tossed my feelings like a ball in the air
Excuses were all you gave when I wanted to see you
But you always hit me up when your bills were due
If I may ask,was I that helpful?
Because I always came through
When you most needed me
I foolishly fell for your traps
I merrily offered myself
To you I was an open book
Little did I know I was dealing with a crook
Within no time I would be meaningless to you
And true to you I became useless
When I ran broke
You flipped me like a coin
I started seeing you with John
You started ignoring my calls
My messages you didn't respond
Visiting your house,ooops!you already changed your locks
It now dawned on me that I was truly dumped
Just like a used and useless can
In your life I became banned
You were nowhere to be traced
My hurt heart is now in pieces
I am still nursing my unseen bruises
My mind is always racing and fathoming why and how you did this
Did I really deserve it?
What did I do wrong?
Or didn't I love you like you deserved?
Didn't I take good care of you like you always wished?
I thought being with you would make my dreams true
The Ups and downs of life,would be easy with you
All along I was wrong thinking of me being with you
Now I see you living happily with John
I don't know whether he is the next john
Or your love to him is genuine
Did you use me as a brigde to get to him?
Because you knew him through me
And all along he called you shem
who played who?
Did he betray me or did you?
I am lamenting over spilt milk which I don't think is worth tearing for
But my life is slowly falling apart
I think am slowly drifting into depression because of my thoughts for you
Somebody tell me this ain't true
That I was dumped for a friend so close
That I was left because my bank account ran blank
All I see now is total darkness
In my life you brought brightness
Or so I thought
All you wished for
I willingly bought and brought to you as surprises
And now that my pockets are less productive
You choose John as your partner
I promise not to tamper
I see how well he pampers you
I will let you go
Because thoughts of you might make my mind blow
I still wanna live and see you glow
And maybe to a wife material you'll grow
All the best to my friend John



  1. 😊💪💪💪💪💪power of poet

  2. I was lost in the poetry till i realized it was only a poem
    Kudos my human

  3. This poem is damn on point
    Kudos my dear you going far
    #powerofpoet #crucialtotheworld💥💥💥

  4. You're incredible. That's the way to do it. Keep it glowing. I want to live to witness how fast you are growing in poetry.

  5. I stopped breathing until after the last word...pheew! name is john..
    The current or the dumped john???

    1. Hahaha....nimeMARK register...thanks son 😍 you're the current ofcourse

  6. Nice one,this real nice piece keep up gal

  7. Because thoughts of you might make my mind blow.... Did i say that right?? ? You got me lost in this one.

    Hats off crucial.. .��
