Hello December,
Welcome we have been waiting for you,
Grateful that you are finally here,
So let's say a few things to you.
What do you have in store for us?
Holidays left right and center
Please keep everyone of us for 31st
Let us not loose anyone
We wanna welcome 2022 in a chorus
We say thanks for still being here
And many thanks that we were healthy and fine
That we escaped Covid and tragedies
We are grateful for being here
Even as we celebrate with family and friends
We promise to also remember the less privileged
We'll share with orphans and care for the aged
Not forgetting those in the hospital beds
We've been doing it but we will prioritize
We hope the sick will get healed
We pray that things get better for those around us
As we help, we ask you be tender to them all
So that we may all be happy for the season
Welcome December
They've given you a new name
They're now calling you "DrinkCember"
Not a bad nickname,right?
They should drink responsibly though
We've had enough heartbreaks
And as they drink
Let them be careful
Bills will still be waiting next year
Fees and more expenses at the door
So we hope they will spend cautiously
We have had enough surprises
Okey Festive month
We are ready for you
I know you've been ready for us all along
The rains cleansed you for us
Don't let us down
Yours truly;
Purple Diva X CrucialArts
ReplyDeleteHello December. Beautiful peace